“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche
Expensive things are expensive, not rare
Blast your headphones. Blare the bass. Feel the vibrations reverberate through your skull. There’s no limit with Beats by Dre. You’ll pull them off before you reach their volume limit. Plus, they come with a classy little “b” on the side. You can walk, sit, run, fly, drive, and stand while advertising your brand awareness. Flaunt your auditory know-how right on your head. Just don’t look at the price tag for these headphones. They’ll cost you about $200-300 for a pair, but only cost $14 to manufacture.
Feel that torque pulverizing your spinal cord like a belly flop gone amuck? Yeah, that’s the benefit of an expensive car. See the smoking tires as you peel away from that red light? Yeah, you’re burning precious fossil fuels and aiding the world on its campaign to melt the poles. How fast is your 0-60? Yeah, you’ll be the fastest around in the Ferrari LaFerrari. You get all this for the low price of $1.3 million. Get yours today — they’re rare!
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend; at least, that’s what the movies/commercials say! Save room on that ring finger for the biggest rock affordable. Whether questionably procured or straight-up from conflict zones, diamonds can be yours. Despite being hugely manipulated and controlled by oligopolies, you can find these at your local stone store. Supply is limited (by design)!
What makes something rare?
The definition of “rare” includes words like uncommon, unusual, and unusually great. Unfortunately, the word has been perverted into a capitalistic, pro-consumer line. The word’s true value has been emptied, cashed in, and abused by corporate giants. They’ve stolen the word – appropriating it for their own profits.
From art that puts a clever 1 of 100 (1/100) number on the bottom to limited-edition, gold-plated Apple Watches to limited-production Ferraris, we live in a world that finds rarity in everything. What an oxymoron – rarity in everything!
Perceptions are essential. Items of greater perceived rarity are lusted after and purchased for tremendous margins. We crave that which another cannot have.
The diamond industry artificially manipulates supply to affect perceived rarity. They buy up everything can they find, squash competition, and throttle a market. It’s entirely artificial.
We must re-evaluate rarity
We are struggling under a curling wave. The light is blotted out. Oxygen is low. And when we look up, we can’t tell if it’s the seabed or sky. Our senses have been manipulated for too long.
This is the hilarity of rarity: we experience vertigo to this perversion of rarity. Capitalism teaches a fundamental lesson: more expensive goods are “rare.” But we need to stop letting companies set the bar, agenda, and price of rarity. We need to empower ourselves, and destroy these twisted messages.
1. Rarity won’t be found in a material good
Take the aforementioned examples. Companies know how to frame a photo, pose a model, and sell you whatever they want. Material goods are not rare; in fact, they’re everywhere. The “rare” Ferraris are only a carefully constructed marketing ploy to make us buy more.
Let’s get fed up with this trickery. These companies are manipulating us. How long will we let them purposely confuse our natural understanding of rarity for their own gains? I say we end today.
2. Rarity won’t cost you a thing
It’s rare to see someone pull over in their car and stop for a lost dog. It’s rare to see someone sit next to a homeless person and hear his or her story. It’s rare for people to reflect on their privilege and be humbled. It’s rare to feel truly content with a career.
Unlike something with a price tag, these rarities are worth your time. By choosing to pursue life’s rarities rather than Apple Inc’s, you’ll suddenly realize what you were missing. It’s time we say goodbye to petty price tags and open our hearts to the people around us. Let’s make some rare moments, together.
3. Rarity won’t be advertised
Walk out your door, and you’re sure to encounter the walls and screens painted with advertisements. It’s sanitized and approved. It’s primped and primed. It’s made to make us buy.
Nothing advertised is needed. Think about it briefly, and you’ll realize you never see marketing campaigns for air and tap water (aside from clean air and water). Companies know that there aren’t profits in these basic resources – true needs. They’ve moved on to the unnecessary.
In the movement to re-evaluate rarity, we must carry this message with us every day: rarity won’t be advertised. Rarity is out in the world, away from this screen. Go make it happen.