It can often be challenging to stay organized with your finances due to multiple bills that need to be paid throughout the month. Many people lose track of their balance and can overspend due to impulse purchases. If you want to be in complete control of your money, there are a few apps that will help you to stay organized and avoid exceeding your budget.
You no longer have to worry about losing receipts or having difficulty returning items with Shoeboxed, which is an app that archives your purchases throughout the year. Users can store all of their receipts in one place and stay organized, which will avoid having to keep a folder or envelope of hard copy receipts that are easy to lose.
According to, Mint is one of the top apps available for managing your finances and allows you to sync your accounts, bills, and credit cards to ensure that your money is tracked when you spend or save it. You’ll be alerted to unnecessary fees that you may be charged, which can add up to extra savings throughout the year. It’s easy to customize limits to how much you want to spend on your bills each month to ensure that you avoid splurges or unnecessary purchases. The app is free to use and will also monitor your credit score to provide you with lower interest rates and more borrowing opportunities.
You Need a Budget
You Need a Budget is an app that is designed to help you assign each dollar that you earn to various categories to avoid making poor financial decisions. You can break your habit of overspending with the software because the app evaluates your financial patterns and can help you make changes to your budget. Although it’s a budgeting program that is easy to use, you can also take advantage of online financial info that is provided, which includes written guides, newsletters, and tutorials that are provided each week.
Manilla is a bill and account manager that allows you to monitor your household bills, travel rewards, healthcare account, and magazine subscriptions in one place. According to, it’s an ideal tool to use for your personal finances or a small business. You can even add your television or movie subscriptions to ensure that all of your bills are closely monitored.
This app makes it easier to save money and avoid spending on goods or services that aren’t necessary. 160 different currencies are supported by exchange rates that are updated, making it easy to use if you travel or move to another country. The app prides itself on its simplicity that is easy to access each day to keep track of your expenses while on the go.
Spending Tracker
Spending Tracker records your income and expenses with the user-friendly platform while pulling reports on spending. Pie charts and an interactive bar will allow you to see the big picture with your finances and where you currently stand. You can view visuals of where you spend your money, which can make it easier to change your habits and save more. The app will even allow you to set a limit to how much you want to spend in various categories throughout the month.