Going as far back as your first vehicle, you were probably told about the importance of routine auto maintenance. As you’ve gained more experience in handling cars, you’ve probably come to realize that professional care is essential in extending the life of your vehicle.
Visiting your auto mechanic regularly can help you save money on auto care. Below are a few of the benefits professional auto maintenance provides.
Long-Lasting Engine
As a general rule, auto manufacturers recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles or every six months.
Metal shavings and other debris contaminate oil over time. Once the oil becomes dirty, it produces greater friction that causes moving components in the engine to degrade faster. Timely oil changes help keep your engine performing like new for a longer period of time.
Better Fuel Economy
A tune-up includes checking spark plugs, fuel filters, and other components that affect the way a vehicle uses fuel. If you don’t get regular tune-ups, your fuel lines can become clogged with debris or other components may work less efficiently.
If you’re unsure about how frequently to schedule tune-ups for your vehicle, ask a technician at a professional automotive repair shop like American Automotive.
Roadside Emergencies Prevented
When you break down on the road you might have to pay a towing fee. Breaking down at night, on a weekend, or during a holiday often means paying more for labor.
You can avoid this situation by having an auto service center regularly inspect your tires, belts, hoses, and fluid levels. Replacing these components as they wear down decreases your risk of a roadside emergency.
Warranty Stipulations Met
Your vehicle comes with a basic warranty, which you may choose to upgrade for an additional fee.
Every type of warranty requires you to meet certain stipulations, such as getting oil changes on time. When you schedule regular maintenance to meet those requirements, you’ll have warranty protection. If something does happen, this means you’ll pay less out of pocket for the repairs.
Advance Warning for Replacement Parts
An unexpected need for auto service can significantly impact your budget. This is especially true when you don’t have cash on hand to pay for the repairs.
Routine service from a professional mechanic can provide advance warning that your brake pads are wearing thin or your shocks will need to be replaced. Knowing these things ahead of time makes it easier to budget and plan for auto care.
In addition to preventative maintenance, you can save money by getting help as soon as you notice a problem.
If your car or truck is making an unusual sound or handles differently, a visit to your auto mechanic can help diagnose the problem. In most situations, early care will prevent a problem from becoming more serious and more expensive.