I still remember looking at my then-partner when I said, “How about I call it ‘Frugaling’?” We both looked at each other with instant excitement — this was the perfect name for my digital home. I started with modest goals: write about debt, save some money, and make more.
After weeks and months of difficult conversations and self-doubt around the rapid amount of debt I was amassing, I decided to open up about my journey. Even more, I wanted to share the struggles of the indebted: stress, headaches, and constant worry about what might happen if I couldn’t pay it back.
Years have passed since I wrote my first article. I’ve been humbled by the millions who have clicked and shared and followed in the process. And as the readership grew, so did my bank account. Now, I will graduate my doctoral program with a positive net worth. By writing about my efforts, I was accountable to thousands of people — I couldn’t let you all down.
As graduate school has ramped up, it’s been difficult for me to write with regularity. My brain and keystrokes have been focused on research articles and the massive dissertation requirement for graduation. Shortly after the demands of school captured all my attention, Pauline, a fantastic personal finance writer, approached me with an offer for this site.
With the opportunity to sell the site, save some money, and continue to work on graduate school, I saw this as a perfect opportunity for Frugaling to live on for many more years to come. Pauline will skillfully write about personal finance and continue a wonderful legacy. But for me, I’m off to ensure I graduate on time and get a job — finally!
Thanks for being with me all these years. I couldn’t have kept up the momentum without you. I’m forever indebted to you, the reader.
Your friend,