Being a mom is a full-time job, one for which you receive no paycheck. Often, the only thanks you get is a perfunctory Mother’s Day card with an even less inspiring message. You might also get a vase of fresh flowers that will wilt in a few days because as a full-time mom, you don’t really have time to also be a botanist. Your small children aren’t going to show you the appreciation you deserve because they neither know nor care about the many sacrifices you made to get them that box of cereal adorned with anthropomorphic, cartoon animals.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best choice for breakfast cereal. But you are doing the best you can. Meanwhile, your two-year-old is throwing fistfuls of it on the floor and stomping on it for the sheer joy of the crunching sound it makes. When are you supposed to have time to do anything else that is just as demanding as parenting? It is never going to be easy or without sacrifice. But you can do it with a little help from the universe. Other than waiting on that help, here are some things worth doing, and some advice on how to get them done:
Start a Home Business
If you are a stay home mom, you’re already home. That is half of home business. Now, it is just a matter of doing the business part of it. As you already know, that’s the hard part. There are many such businesses you can start without a giant government loan. That’s where yourcredit builder loan comes in handy. It is a lot more straightforward than other methods of getting emergency funds.
Some of the most interesting and successful businesses started out with out of work single moms who had no idea how they were going to make it all come together.Single moms are a part of the backbone of American business and ingenuity. If you prefer not to take out a loan, you will likely find other people who will partner with you and provide the initial capital. You can also turn to crowdsourcing outlets such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter. Raising capital for your venture is one of the easier aspects of getting started these days. The hardest part is just believing that you can do it. Conquer that, and you are well on your way to becoming another home business success story.
Going Back to School
The thing about going back to school is it sounds a lot like going backward. That is generally considered the wrong direction for someone trying to move forward in life. That said, if you are ever going to go back for anything, it should be to complete your education.Even a working mom can go back to school.
There are many reasons to go back and finish a diploma or college degree. It is going to be vitally important that your kids finish school and get their degree. It will be vitally important that you set the right example when it is time to convince them to stay in school. Even without kids, there is the immediate benefit of increasing your paycheck. With every degree you get, you can expect to make more money in your current field and have more opportunities to advance. You will be doing your online classes while changing diapers. It will not be easy. But it is possible. When you have accomplished it, everything else you do in life will be easier.
Being an Active Citizen
Some moms check out of politics and activism because they are too busy being a mom. But one of the most important aspects of being a mom is creating a better and safer world for your children. Moms are the people who can least afford to check out. If you want a greener planet, a fairer workforce, and a more level playing field for your children, you have to make the time to fight for it right now. There is surely something you went through that you don’t want them to go through. Now is the time to pave the better way for your children.
Starting a family business, completing your education, and active citizenship are worthwhile in and of themselves. As a busy mom, you might think they are beyond your reach. But being a mom is what such goals were made for.
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