I’m back with another terrific group of articles! Hope you enjoy and share widely.
How We Pay Ourselves First by Our Next Life
I’m a big fan of budgets, but if you struggle to make or stick with them, there’s another way to stay frugal. The authors at Our Next Life propose “paying yourself” first. That means taking the money out of the bank account, and out of your hands before you have a chance to spend it. It’s a great psychological trick and well worth a read.
5 Awesome Dates That Won’t Break the Bank by Elliott Bailey
Frugal dating has sometimes been a struggle. I’m always open to new ways to save. Elliott Bailey may have come up with five of the most unique date ideas I’ve seen. And the best part? They’re all frugal friendly!
How Much Is Your Time Worth? by Stefanie O’Connell
Time equals money; at least, that’s the old adage. I’ve frequently thought about that and realized that my “worth” varies according to my work demands. If I have more free time, I’m less valuable. If you’re a freelancer, this is a great question to keep in mind.
Emotions and Food: How to Deal by Laurie
Vulnerability surrounding food decisions is exceptionally admirable. Laurie acknowledges a past of eating mistakes. Now, she’s turned a new leaf: eating well and staying frugal. Props to her and her family!
Great compilation! I also really enjoyed the frugal date ideas article. The grocery shopping/cooking date sounded especially fun!
Thanks for the shout out Sam!
I subscribe to several blogs, most of which send out a list of links each week. Your list is the one I look forward to seeing the most.
Thanks so much for the share, Sam. Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for including us on your list, Sam! Hope your week is off to a great start.