Two weeks without a car. What a crazy feeling! Every day I’ve experienced a sort of dull, phantom-car syndrome where I imagine driving somewhere, and then realize I don’t have a car. But each time, I feel comfortable with the decision I made to sell the car. Now, the trick is learning to live with less.
Oddly enough, it doesn’t feel like I’m compromising anything. I’m saving money, investing, and beginning to budget for a strong financial future. I think many people fear that not having a car will be restrictive, but it’s only been freeing for me.
Today, I wanted to highlight two essential Amazon products that I’m now using without a car.
1. Amazon Prime Membership
A few years ago I joined Amazon Prime with a student discount. It was under $70 for a year of two-day shipping, Kindle library books, and TV shows. I took advantage of a 6-month promotional trial, too. It was amazing. But after a couple years, I decided to cancel my membership.
With a car, it just made more sense to go to the local store. Since then, Amazon’s prices have been falling. And without a car, the whole cost curve changes. I’m willing to spend a little bit more on products to save a lot of time and money on auto payments.
There are some products that Amazon excels at delivering. For instance, on my bike, it’s not possible to bring home bulk supplies of toilet paper and towels. I’d be stuck buying 4 rolls at a time, at exorbitant prices. Instead, I order a 40 pack online. It’s delivered straight to my door within two days, too. Amazon is still offering a 6-month trial for free and it’s the best deal out there.
Here’s what I like:
- Reliable service and amazing customer support
- Two-day shipping for any amount of items
- Free access to TV shows and movies (no need for a Netflix membership!)
- A wealth of Kindle Library books that can be checked out for free
- Bulk items delivered at comparable cost to local stores
2. Amazon Store Card
Amazon beefed up the benefits to their store card, and I decided to apply for it. The Amazon Store Card is only for use on their website. While it offers special financing deals for certain expensive products, that’s not how I’m using it. See, if you don’t use the financing offers, it acts like a rewards credit card.
At the end of every statement month, I receive a 4% credit on all my Amazon purchases. And when I say credit, I don’t mean a gift card. It’s cash back. Now, I’m saving 4% off every purchase and combining that feature with Amazon’s incredible Prime shipping benefits. It makes going car-less effortless.
Here’s what I like:
- Easy to apply for and get the credit card, as it doesn’t require especially high credit rating
- Offers an immediate $20 credit on your next purchase
- Provides a 4 percent discount on all purchases, as a statement credit
- Automatic monthly payments can be setup for hassle-free service