Every week I like to feature a few frugal articles that caught my eyes. Curl up in your favorite reading nook and enjoy. Hopefully these encourage you to live frugal lives!
How to have a great first date when you’re broke or frugal by Martin Dasko
Boy can I relate to this quandary! Martin tackles the challenging topic of dating when you either don’t have enough or are on the frugal path. Either way, it requires changing your dating approach.
Appeal of Savings Bonds Wanes in Ultralow Interest Environment by Ann Carrns
The Federal Reserve has maintained very low rates for borrowing and it’s prevented savings and bonds rates from becoming more attractive. Unfortunately, that has dire consequences for those who might need it most. This article provides a nice review of the current financial offerings.
The radical political implications of spending time outdoors by Chris Mooney
What if I told you the secret to saving money was simply walking out your door? Could it really be that simple? Would you care for the environment, spend less, and save big? Potentially!
How A Year Of Extreme Frugality Changed Us by Mrs. Frugalwoods
In a fun, important review, Mrs. Frugalwoods catalogues her adventures in frugality. She cut back on everything and found a way to enjoy it! Along with saving money here and there, Mrs. FW made goals and planned for a more frugal future. That’s a wicked combination.